Track 1030

Wi-Fi - Sigfox RCx

The rugged cost-conscious tracker that gathers locations via Wi-Fi and communicates over the Sigfox network. Good to use for tracking of assets that are most of the time travelling in indoor environments or where Wi-Fi access points are available. 

Sensolus Track 1030

Technical documentation

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Core capabilities

Cost-conscious localization tracker using Wi-Fi for localization

Wi Fi
Wi-Fi localization

The tracker is cheaper then the our GPS trackers as they get their locations by scanning for Wi-Fi access points.  Therefore it is important that they often reside in environments where Wi-Fi access points are available.

Use the information of your own Wi-Fi access points

The tracker can extract location from scanning of public Wi-Fi access points, but even more easy is that they can extract location from your own Wi-Fi access points. Just upload the information of your Wi-Fi access points to the cloud and the tracker will recognize directly the location based on this private Wi-Fi information.

Highly energy-efficient and cost-efficient

Wi-Fi scanning is highly energy-efficient and the trackers are cheaper then the GPS tracker, which means a very high battery lifetime at a lower cost can be guaranteed when using this tracker. 

Easy installation

Validated on various types of materials

sensolus tracking solution for returnable transport packaging in industrial manufacturing
Returnable Transport Packaging
Stillage background white 1
cleaning machine background white
Small equipment
Sigfox • Energy efficient tranceiver
• Bi-directional communication
• Regions: RC1
Wi-Fi Wi-Fi based geolocalization
Sigfox Atlas Network based geolocalization
Internal sensing • Physical tamper detection
• Relocation based on acceleration
Mounting options • Holes ∅5,2mm for rivets
Mechanics & design
Antennas All antennas are internal
Size 140 x 50 x 25mm
Weight 94 gram
Color Black
Casing Polycarbonate
Water & dust resistance IP65 & IP67
Operating temperature -20°C to 60°C
Battery type • Up to 5000 messages (~7 years at 2 messages per day)
• Non replaceable battery (Li-SoCl2)
Regulatory CE
Sigfox certified RC1
User interaction
Device activation Activation with the tamper button
Synchronize remote settings Periodic: no user interaction needed
LED feedback No LED feedback on the device
Management services
Diagnostics • 4 battery levels
• Communication quality
Management • Remote configuration
• Tracker usage profiles
Application services
Services • Localization
• Geozones
Firmware configuration
Communication service Data recovery configuration (optional)
General configuration • Time synchronization
• Boot methods
Location service Periodic and relocation parameters
Tamper service Physical tamper button at the back of the device
Encryptions Sigfox communication AES encryption
Trends 2025

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