The current sensor measures the time a machine is charging and a machine is discharging (being used). Ideally to know how much time your machine is being used and get insights on the charging times of your machine park. The current sensor needs a scanning device to communicate its information over the internet. 

SENSE CUR 4600 Front small removebg

Technical documentation

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Core capabilities

Get insights on the charging times of your machine park

Know when your asset is charged and discharged

The sensor accumulates the total duration a direct current  is flowing in the forward and/or backward direction above  a configurable threshold. It can for example measure if  the battery of an asset is discharged (asset being used) or  charged (battery being charged).

Insights on the charging time of your machine park

Know how much your machine is being used and get insights on the charging time of your fleet of machines: cleaning machines, electric forklifts, electric golf carts, solar batteries, backup/emergency batteries,… or anything that has a battery or works on DC power is a good use case.

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