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Start-up supply chain award

Sensolus, with its’ Sensolus solution, is one of the three finalists for the Start up Supply Chain Award 2017. The event is part of the Supply Chain Awards, a national event organized by the VIB and PICS and is intended to support start-ups in the industry. The aim is to showcase innovations that can optimize supply chain processes.

As there are a lot of great ideas out there that can revolutionize the industry, this event is a great opportunity for new businesses to get their innovations under the attention of supply chain managers and for bigger companies to find innovating solutions to optimize their supply chain processes.

The winner of the award will be announced on the 23rd of November. If you want to see us bring home the award, then vote through this link and do not hesitate to share this with your network!

Thank you!

The Sensolus team

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