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Asset trackers

Bluetooth tag tracking

For tracking of lower value or smaller assets

Not all assets need a high-end directly internet connected tracker.
Bluetooth tag tracking is an affordable solution that provides basic features for smaller, less expensive assets.

Zone location and at pick up or drop off

Tag trackers are dependent of some scanning devices to provide location information. Therefore they are only seen when in vicinity of a scanning device. Tag tracking is ideal for assets of whom you want to know if they are in a specific zone or picked up and dropped off.

Intelligent tag scanning

The scanning devices scan and locate assets equipped with tag trackers. We do this using dedicated algorithms to precisely detect when an asset is dropped or picked up. 


Locate assets in dedicated zones

Stop manually counting the number of assets in dedicated zones or on sites by using this solution. 

You will be automatically informed on the entrance and exit of assets on the site. Use our BLE tag trackers and one or more wired or wireless zone anchors to get this solution up and running.

Zone precision 1

Locate drop off and pick up of assets

Instead of manually handing over goods by delivery, people get informed about the delivery in an automated way. Also, get informed when assets are picked up by the transport vehicle.
No need for visual check anymore. Just install a tracker or Zebra scanning device in your transport vehicle and attach a tag tracker to your assets to get up and running.

How it works


Tag trackers

A small Bluetooth tag tracker is attached to an asset and broadcasts its identity.

Scanning device

Scanning device

Tag scanners detect the tag trackers and sends the location to the platform.

Sensolus platform for BLE tag tracking


The platform organizes the captured locations in a meaningful way and gives insights on the tracked assets.

Combine with one of our scanning devices

Bluetooth tag trackers are fitted with a unique identifier. This unique ID is detected by an anchor or other scanning device which then transmits the location to the Sensolus platform.

This means that the tag trackers are dependent on minimal infrastructure to work. Below are the fixed anchors and externally powered trackers needed depending on your particular use case:

ZA 3510 EU Adapter XS
ZA 3510
TRACK 1101 Front Site
TRACK 1101
TRACK 1210

Industrial graded mobile devices as scanning device​

You can use a industrial graded mobile device as scanning device as well.
We support zebra scanners and android devices.

Contact us for more details.

More questions?

Unsure which scanning device to use?
We have several options, and combining different anchors is also possible.

Trends 2025

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